One Year to N5: Week 2

This is a continuation of my previous blogposts. It is advised that you read all of them before reading this one.

Last Week

Last weeks work has been for naught, as I have not been able to keep up the ability to do daily work on Japanese. Because of this, I have not been able to progress. This indicates a flaw in my plan that needs to be fixed.

Fixing the Plan

In order to fix this, I have decided to scale back and try to remake this into a habit. using the advice by James Clear, I will start by clarifying the time and simplicity of learning Japanese. Moving forward, I will aim to do 5 minutes of my Anki every night before going to bed. The idea behind this is to get me into the habit of doing this simple task, then scaling back up to doing both grammar and kanji every night. Until I have been able to keep this habit for a week or so will I begin scaling up again.

Final Considerations

This past week has been a real shame. With university starting up again and me having a large amount of social commitments, my schedule has been a lot more up-in-the-air than previous weeks. I am hoping that I can begin being more consistent than before and carry this out until my goal.

Along with this, I have missed the deadline for creating this blogpost, so I have decided to shift it so that every blogpost will now be posted on Sunday night.